Misc and Oekaki

I guess this is my dump site... stuff that's not actually meaningless useless filler stuff for my gallery. But then again, these things are pretty unused too. (Except for the christmas card, but it's been here as long as I remember so I'll keep it here.)

...Pictures...Misc and Oekaki...


"Good Luck Ben!"

-Hope you do well =)


Zion National Park

-copied from photo by AlexStross



-copied from Terragen Astounding by tigae



-copied from illustration of unknown source


Random Cat Girl      

Random Sobbing Cat Girl

Random Crying Cat Girl

Windows NT-tan

-from OS-tans


Windows 2K-tan

-from OS-tans


Windows Me-tan

-from OS-tans


Windows XP-tan

-from OS-tans



-from Spirited Away


Edward Elric

-from Fullmetal Alchemist




Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Witch

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Sadako

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Vampire

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Zombie

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Wolf girl

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Scream mask

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Sadako 2

(done with Prisma Markers)


Halloween Series for Crumpled Paper Magazine

- Sadako 3

(done with Prisma Markers)

One of my first few computer graphics. Did this a long time ago for the interface of my old index.  

A birthday picture. Lined and coloured in Paint Shop Pro.


This is actually another version of the "photo" once shown in my profile.

  fly.jpg fly_gold.jpg

Here's sth. I did playing with the drawing pad.

And afterwards I got it plated in gold too.



Another one of my first few computer graphics.

It was an e-card I sent to all my school buddies at Holy Trinity College for the 1999 Christmas.

This is a PABABS

(Product of Absolute Boredom After Biology Studies)

I did this a day before my Biology Exam.

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